Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a term that means we keep track on the impact our business has on the world around it, particularly on our local community or causes that mean a lot to us. We know that we have a duty of care to the community in which we are based and try to have a positive impact on that community and on companies and charities that we deal with, supporting local businesses and charities in our area whenever we can.
Jolliffe & Co LLP seeks to be a good corporate citizen in all aspects of its operations and activities. To this end we have brought together a series of operating principles under the broad heading of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to serve as a guide to employees in all aspects of their work for the partnership. The principles cover all areas of the partnership’s operations and have been developed with reference to the relevant codes of corporate governance and best practice, including the revised Combined Code and international statements and guidelines such as the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. Taken together, these principles form our CSR policy.
The policy can be divided into six main areas:
Ethical Business Conduct
Policies Specific to Employees
Policies Specific to the partnership
Fair Employment Practices
Workplace Health and Safety, and
Environmental Policy
01. Ethical Business Conduct
Our principles
We value the principles of accountability, honesty and integrity in all aspects of our business. Our policy is to conduct our business in a manner which ensures:
– fair treatment of all employees and clients
– transparency of our business policies and practices
– high standards in all matters relating to health, safety and the environment
– ethical business practices throughout our operations
We recognise that the involvement of our employees is key to the future success of the business and we have for many years adopted a policy of keeping employees fully informed on all matters affecting them. We have consistently operated a remuneration strategy that recognises both corporate and individual performance. We are also committed to best practice in employment matters, recognising the role this plays in attracting and retaining staff.
To succeed in delivering the best possible service to our clients, every employee is expected to adhere to the Jolliffes’ core values and to uphold them in the workplace. Employees are expected at all times, to exercise the highest ethical judgement and comply with laws applicable to their duties.
02. Policies Specific to Employees
Compliance with Codes and Regulations
In addition to Jolliffes’ internal operating principles employees shall adhere to all national laws and regulations and codes of practice relevant to their profession. These will include the guidelines to codes of conduct of the Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA).
Whistle Blowing
In the event that an employee discovers a breach of partnership policy there is a facility for him/her to report that breach in confidence either via his line manager or via an anonymous email address sent directly to the managing partner. The Managing Partner has a duty to investigate fully the detail behind such a report and as part of the investigation will not normally make reference to the anonymous report. Maliciously motivated reports for which there is no real basis for making a report are not welcomed and may result in disciplinary action being taken against the employee making the accusation.
Outside Interests
Jolliffes requires that employees avoid at all times any situation which may involve a conflict of interest between the employee and the partnership. Employees are expressly prohibited from accepting other paid employment, including directorships in other companies, without the consent of the Managing Partner. In general, this does not apply to charitable work or relationships with non-profit organisations unless this has the potential to impact on the employee’s normal duties.
Dealing with Customers, Stakeholders and External Parties
Jolliffes is committed to the provision of accurate information and fairness in all its dealings with customers, stakeholders, officials and any other external party having direct business with the group.
Every employee shall respect any information which is confidential to the partnership including, but not limited to, trade secrets, confidential knowledge or any information concerning the process or invention used by the partnership. Breaches of confidentiality may be cause for disciplinary action.
Data Protection
We are committed to complying with the current data protection principles established by the 1995 EU Directive on Data Protection and the 2016 General Data Protection Regulation. This commitment applies throughout the partnership and in all countries in which it operates. If the partnership conducts business in a jurisdiction where stricter rules apply, then it will comply with those rules as a matter of course. All employees and agents of the partnership are responsible for ensuring compliance with the policy. Information collected may be accessible throughout the partnership but will not be disclosed to any third party in a form which identifies the individual concerned. It will not be used for marketing purposes without the individual’s consent and will not be sold to third parties. Upon request, an individual will be informed of the existence, use and disclosure of his or her personal data and will be given access to that data to confirm its accuracy or amend it as appropriate.
Jolliffes actively works to deter malpractice in its workplace, with specific attention to activities involving confidentiality. The partnership has detailed procedures for staff to follow in order to ensure observance of these principles. The Compliance Database contains guidance on the value of gifts which may be given (or accepted) by staff to (or from) counterparts in the industry, the frequency with which those gifts may be made (or accepted) and how they should be recorded.
The partnership has confidentiality contracts in place for all employees and with all parties for whom it is handling sensitive information.
Use of Partnership Information / Assets
Employees shall use the partnership’s computer systems, internet and intranet, and email systems for business use. Any employee found to have disclosed confidential information, been abusive or malicious in using these facilities, or misusing the systems in any way may face disciplinary action. The partnership strictly prohibits the use of its intranet, internet or email systems for acquiring, producing or disseminating pornography or similar material, including the use of abusive language or offensive images.
Disciplinary Procedure
Jolliffes has a detailed formal disciplinary procedure.
03 Policies Specific to the partnership
Political Contributions
It is the partnership’s policy not to make contributions for political purposes. However, employees are not hindered from being politically active in their own time using their own resources.
Corporate Governance
The partners meet regularly to review financial performance and strategy and have a formal schedule of matters reserved for its decision, which includes the setting of partnership goals, objectives, budgets and other plans. In particular, the Partners regularly receive reports on the partnership’s corporate social responsibilities and they have identified the relevant risks to the partnership’s short and long term values, more on which is contained later in this document.
Internal controls are designed to cover all risks to achieving the partnership’s objectives including all business, operational, financial and compliance risks. The internal controls are designed to manage, rather than eliminate, risk of failure to meet business objectives and to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance against material misstatement or loss. The system of internal control is embedded within the day to day operations of the partnership and a strong control culture is combined with clear management responsibility and accountabilities for individual controls.
At least once a year a formal risk control report is prepared. This includes a summary of significant risks, key internal controls, the work of the monitoring functions and findings arising during the period. In addition, a report on the partnership’s social, ethical and environmental (SEE) issues is prepared.
Staff retention and corporate reputation are identified as significant risks to the partnership’s short and long term value. The Partners are keenly aware of the importance of these issues and are committed to ensuring that any risks are assessed and minimised.
Charitable Donations
At the commencement of each fiscal year the Partners will agree an amount which should be allocated to donations to charity and support for good causes. The partnership will aim to grow this core amount over time and, depending on the profitability of the partnership, may make specific one-off donations.
Our active involvement in charitable work creates a channel for feedback on the partnership’s activities which helps to shape policy in this area.
Benefits of Community Involvement
As the partnership becomes more involved in the community the partnership may be invited to propose or participate in new projects. Staff will be updated on these activities on a regular basis and will be given the opportunity to propose new ventures.
04 Fair Employment Practices
Jolliffes is committed to providing equal opportunities to and fair working practices for all workers and job applicants.
In formulating employment policy the partnership has been guided by the relevant legislation in the United Kingdom. A separate document covers this. The policies are periodically reviewed and updated, when appropriate.
05 Workplace Health & Safety
Jolliffes aims to provide each employee with a safe place to work. All partnership locations are required to abide by local health and safety regulations and each must submit on a regular basis to health and safety testing for accreditation where needed. In formulating policy the partnership has been guided by the relevant legislation in the United Kingdom. A separate document covers this. The policies are periodically reviewed and updated, when appropriate.
The group records all accidents and/or near misses and investigates these to determine if preventative action is required to prevent further accidents.
06 Environmental Policy
The partnership understands that its activities affect the environment and the communities in which we operate. We believe that we have a responsibility to identify and manage these impacts as effectively as possible. We are committed to continually improving our environmental performance and moving towards best practices in corporate sustainability. A separate document covers this. The policies are periodically reviewed and updated, when appropriate.